We do save your skin.

Evidence-based dermatology & sexual health clinic with above-average mindset and proficiency. Fluent in English, Deutsch wie Muttersprache, médiocre en français, castellano básico, 一点儿汉语.

Bőrgyógyászat és nemi gyógyászat
Dzsenifer SchneiderDzsenifer Schneider
07:04 25 Aug 23
Mindig pontos fogadás, empátia, segítőkészség. Nem drága, de egy jó szakember megfizethetetlen! Időpontra picit kell várni de megéri!
Gábor SzálasGábor Szálas
14:20 22 Aug 23
Szabó DávidSzabó Dávid
05:37 13 Jul 23
er zipper zipp
13:42 20 Jun 23
János FüziJános Füzi
16:50 18 Jun 23
Professzionális hozzáállás, jó hangulat, úgy éreztem figyelnek rám. Amennyiben bőrproblémája van az embernek, érdemes hozzájuk fordulni. A foglalás és a fizetés is gördülékenyen halad.
Anikó B.Anikó B.
07:27 23 Feb 23
Nagyon kedves, figyelmes, felkészült. Türelmesen meghallgat. Bár problémám nem az ő szakterületeibe tartozott, elmondta a véleményét és javasolt szakembert. Nagyon ajánlom! (és az asszisztens hölgy is kedves 🙂)
Csilla BertókCsilla Bertók
13:55 23 Jan 23
Gyönyörű és igényes rendelő fogadott, a recepciós hölgyet átlagon felüli kedvesség jellemezte és a doktornő is pontos tájékoztatást adott a kérdéseim kapcsán. Kicsit hamarabb is sorra tudtam kerülni és nagyon pozitív volt számomra, hogy nem volt csordultig tele a váró. Mindig csak egy fő várakozott.
Boston PapaBoston Papa
20:26 03 Jan 23
15 éve küzdök nap mint nap a seborrheammal! Folyamatosan gyulladt piros a bőröm! Hol jobban hol kevesbé de sajnos jelen van! Rengeteg pénzt költöttem már különböző krémekre gyulladáscsökkentőkre semmi nem használt max pár napig enyhultek!Nagyon sok bőrgyógyásznál megfordultam kikeverős gyógyszertári kenőcsöket kaptam meg kénes hajsampont! Soha nem volt jó!Aztán mostanában utolsó körömre indultam el ezzel kapcsolatosan hátha van aki ebben tud segíteni Dr Tamási Béla Úrnál foglaltam időpontot. Rendkívűl segítőkész volt és szépen elmagyarázot mindent! Ajánlott sampont krémet arclemosót és egyszerűen hihetetlen csoda történt lassan 1 hónapja tünetmentes az arcom! Ilyen soha nem volt még! Úgy néz ki nagyon jól mükődik 😁Nagyon szépen Köszönöm

Our medical team

Béla Tamási MD, PhD

Professional milestones

  • 2005-2011: Semmelweis University Faculty of Medicine
  • 2011-2016: dermatology specialist training (Semmelweis University Dpt. of Dermatology)
  • 2017-2020: deputy head @ National Center for STIs
  • 2017: Michael Hornstein scholarship, European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
  • 2018-2019: head of inpatient unit for general dermatology (Semmelweis University Dpt. of Dermatology)
  • 2019: PhD title
  • 2019-2022: principal investigator of the STIPnet study
  • 2020: appointment as senior lecturer
  • 2020-2023: head @ National Center for STIs

Noémi Mihalik MD

I am a board certified infectious disease specialist and currently in-training for dermatology. I graduated at Semmelweis University, Budapest with highest honour in 2011. I’ve performed my specialist training at the National Centre for Hematology and Infectious Diseases and at the Department of Dermatology, Semmelweis University, both in Budapest.
I strongly favor an open-minded atmosphere and personalized therapy when dealing with my patients. Education on prevention and vaccines makes a significant part of my practical work. I further think that dealing with sexually transmitted infections greatly demands discretion from the doctor’s side, additionally, I always work free of judgement.

My memberships at medical societies: ESCMID, ESGMI, MIFKMT, EADV, IUSTI

Dr. Mihalik Noémi

Services at our clinic


Clinic hours: Tuesdays 1-5 pm, Wednesdays 3-6.30 pm, Thursdays 1-6 pm, Fridays 3-7 pm
Address: 2-4. Üllői út, Budapest 1085 (door bell: 58)

Please be informed on the following:

  • We are not a walk-in clinic. We only see patients who have a booked appointment.
  • Appointments are exclusively to be made online, on our website. Telephone or in-person inquiries are not available.

Price list

STD screening bundles

one of our basic fees will apply to the fees below

  • HIV + syphilis screening 10 000
  • Urethritis bundle 28 000

    urethral GO*+CT*+MG* + urethral smear microscopy

  • Proctitis bundle 28 000

    anal GO+CT+MG

  • Vaginitis bundle 39 000

    vaginal AV*+GV*+TV* + yeast culture + vaginal smear microscopy

  • Genital ulcer bundle 30 000

    syphilis+herpes+Chlamydia from ulcer

  • Basic STD bundle 24 000

    HIV+syphilis+urethral/anal/cervical/pharyngeal GO+CT

  • Top/bottom STD bundle 41 000

    HIV+syphilis+GO and CT from two screening sites

  • Versatile STD bundle 52 000

    HIV+syphilis+GO and CT from three screening sites

  • Ladies bundle 53 000

    HIV+syphilis+cervical GO+CT+MG+HPV

*GO = gonorrhoea, *CT = Chlamydia trachomatis, *MG = Mycoplasma genitalium, *AV = Atopobium vaginae, *GV = Gardnerella vaginalis, *TV = Trichomonas vaginalis

As a private clinic, please be advised that none of our services or fees is subject to reimbursement by Hungarian social security.
Prices are in HUF. Cash payment in foreign currency is not accepted. No additionally charged fees or costs.

Payment options:

Online appointment booking

Before starting your booking process, please keep in mind the following:

  • Before booking your appointment, please make sure to read and acknowledge the safety regulations at our clinic due to the coronavirus epidemic that can be accessed here.
  • Make sure to get to know our fees and prices before booking your appointment, which are transparently published on our website. I thereby cannot accept any complaint in my office regarding the fee to be paid after your visit.
  • Clinic appointments are exclusively to be made by online booking. Appointments requested via phone calls or e-mails cannot currently be considered.
  • Once you have booked your appointment, it won’t be visible or retrievable here. You will be sent a confirmation e-mail instead with your booking details. Therefore we do ask you to pay attention while providing your e-mail address.
  • ‘TAJ number’ is the Hungarian social security number. If you do not have one, you may leave the field blank.
  • In case you plan to come to us with your partner together, please make sure to book two separate appointments, especially if you both need any examination or lab test.
  • Please make sure to discontinue any locally applied therapy (cremes, ointments) at least two weeks and any systemic therapy (e.g. antibiotics) at least three weeks ahead of your planned appointment.

If you cannot see the booking application here, you may access it on a separate page: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18815688

Please bear in mind that we are not a walk-in clinic.

You cannot come and request medical attendance without a valid appointment.

In case you need an urgent dermatological or sexual health visit, please contact a state-run dermatological department.