I am a board certified infectious disease specialist and currently in-training for dermatology. I graduated at Semmelweis University, Budapest with highest honour in 2011. I’ve performed my specialist training at the National Centre for Hematology and Infectious Diseases and at the Department of Dermatology, Semmelweis University, both in Budapest.
I strongly favor an open-minded atmosphere and personalized therapy when dealing with my patients. Education on prevention and vaccines makes a significant part of my practical work. I further think that dealing with sexually transmitted infections greatly demands discretion from the doctor’s side, additionally, I always work free of judgement.
My memberships at medical societies: ESCMID, ESGMI, MIFKMT, EADV, IUSTI
Roughly the full spectrum of clinical dermatology with the emphasis on
Screening, diagnostics and treatment of all sexually transmitted infections:
Clinic hours: Tuesdays 1-5 pm, Wednesdays 3-6.30 pm, Thursdays 1-6 pm, Fridays 3-7 pm
Address: 2-4. Üllői út, Budapest 1085 (door bell: 58)
Please be informed on the following:
to be paid on every occasion in addition to screening/intervention charges
within 3 months of your last visit
a maximum of 5 mins e.g. for vaccine administration or handing out results
via videochat on the web based platform Doxy.me
to be paid at your following visit with the visit fee after a previous no-show on your appointment
only for PrEP users, proof of usage (invoice, medication box) must be shown upon screening
one of our basic fees will apply to the fees below
one of our basic fees will apply to the fees below
one of our basic fees will apply to the fees below
urethral GO*+CT*+MG* + urethral smear microscopy
anal GO+CT+MG
vaginal AV*+GV*+TV* + yeast culture + vaginal smear microscopy
syphilis+herpes+Chlamydia from ulcer
HIV+syphilis+urethral/anal/cervical/pharyngeal GO+CT
HIV+syphilis+GO and CT from two screening sites
HIV+syphilis+GO and CT from three screening sites
HIV+syphilis+cervical GO+CT+MG+HPV
*GO = gonorrhoea, *CT = Chlamydia trachomatis, *MG = Mycoplasma genitalium, *AV = Atopobium vaginae, *GV = Gardnerella vaginalis, *TV = Trichomonas vaginalis
As a private clinic, please be advised that none of our services or fees is subject to reimbursement by Hungarian social security.
Prices are in HUF. Cash payment in foreign currency is not accepted. No additionally charged fees or costs.
Payment options:
If you cannot see the booking application here, you may access it on a separate page: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=18815688
A honlapon megjelenített információk és tartalmak semmilyen esetben nem helyettesítik a személyes, orvosi konzultációt és betegvizsgálatot!
A honlap szakmai tartalmának részben vagy egészben történő idézése vagy ismételt közzététele nem engedélyköteles, de a szerzői jogokról szóló 1999. évi LXXVI. törvény 12.§ értelmében kizárólag formailag helyes hivatkozással és forrásmegjelöléssel lehetséges!
Please bear in mind that we are not a walk-in clinic.
You cannot come and request medical attendance without a valid appointment.
In case you need an urgent dermatological or sexual health visit, please contact a state-run dermatological department.